Flexible, easy-to-use tools for managing LabJack DAQs
We've had the pleasure of using LabJack products for nearly a decade now, and have always wished
that there was a simple application to specify input/output on the devices. Even better, if this
standalone app could be dropped as a block into a LabVIEW program, that would be great! So after
years of thinking this, we did it. Building on the excellent foundation of the LabJackUD
low-level drivers distributed by LabJack, we created a simple driver for the U3, U6 and U9
devices on USB and ethernet that just works! Plug it in, run the driver, and tell your DAQ what
to do. As it should be. We've developed a number of sampling applications using this and a
handful of other useful library functions.
LabVIEW Library : Toolbox, Examples, and Universal Driver IO VI for all LabJack UD Devices
(U3, U6, U9; USB & Ethernet)
LabJack Utilities Gallery
Commented Block Diagrams
Data Logger views
Flexible IO Controls
In-App Reference
UD IO and utility VIs
Automatic device type, address, and serial number identification
Error correction and coercion of inputs : will only assign available input/output type and values within ranges, avoids device erroring out
Array output of results for easy manipulation
Comprehensive error handling and user warnings
Custom controls to eliminate invalid input. Drop and use!
LabVIEW UD Applications : Plug and Play Data Logging & Analysis!
Applications Gallery
Datarate Testing
ID Utility
UD Data Logger
Full-featured data logger vi with autofind or monitoring of specific UD device
Multi-threaded code provides error correction, logging and plotting without sacrificing speed
Periodic or on-demand read modes
Timing monitor, readout and statistics
Data export and appending
UD Test Data Rate
Utility to determine maximum sampling frequency under chosen system conditions and channel read/write conditions
Allows sensitivity analysis and data for predicting optimal system sampling rate
ID Utility
Reports all devices on specified interface (currently only available for USB)
Allows reprogramming device ID in NV memory to allow polling multiple devices on same bus